Flare Mainnet State Of Decentralisation | Flare Network

The original pie chart hasn't been updated in light of this recent post by Flare and specifically the validation process during the Beta phase.

The network will be structured as follows:

Flare Foundation - 5 validators.

Professional Infrastructure Partner 1 - 5 validators.

Professional Infrastructure Partner 2 - 5 validators.

Professional Infrastructure Partner 3 - 5 validators.

FTSO validators - up to 100 validators.

Each FTSO may operate a full validator. During the beta period the collective set of FTSO validators will be defined in the codebase to have the effective network power of 2 validators.

This pie chart displays the networks decentralisation status during the beta phase.

The information below will remain for reference only.

Flare Network launched in Observation Mode on the 14th of July, 2022.

Observation Mode will last for a minimum of 8 weeks until the point at which sufficient validation power has passed to external validators such that Flare Foundation is no longer in control of the network i.e. not more than 33% of validation power is controlled by Flare.

The pie chart below is for informational purposes only. Reaching 67% of validation control by FTSO's doesn't automatically trigger the decentralisation of the network, Flare still need to officially hand over validation.

Last updated 11:13am ACST on the 16th of September.